Interested to see how others tackle these drafts. I'm a bit bigger than a note book user (like hb) - just larger sheets of paper.
Speaking of hb, he has done well out of the randomiser. For the final round 11, positions are added and the highest numbers go first. If two are tied, the one with the lower round 1 position gets the earlier pick. I'm listing them horizontally here but, as they come into effect, I'll post vertical lists for ease of reference.
ROUND 3: ataraxia, Trundler, honestbharani, ankitj, sillycowcorner1, kingkallis, Fuller Pilch, JOJOXI, weldone, Red Hill, Line & Length, Teuton.
ROUND 4: Round 3 reversed
ROUND 5: Teuton, Trundler, honestbharani, Fuller Pilch, JOJOXI, weldone, Red Hill, Line & Length, kingkallis, ataraxia, sillycowcorner1, ankitj.
ROUND 6: Round 5 reversed
ROUND 7: honestbharani, Red Hill, ankitj, JOJOXI, Fuller Pilch, Teuton, sillycowcorner1, Line & Length, weldone, kingkallis, Trundler, ataraxia.
ROUND 8: Round 7 reversed
ROUND 9: JOJOXI, ataraxia, Line & Length, sillycowcorner1, honestbharani, Teuton, ankitj, kingkallis, Fuller Pilch, Trundler, Red Hill, weldone.
ROUND 10: Round 9 reversed
ROUND 11: kingkallis, weldone, ankitj, sillycowcorner1, Trundler, Line & Length, Teuton, ataraxia, Red Hill, Fuller Pilch, JOJOXI, honestbhrani.
Time limits: Round 1 - 10 hours; Rounds 2-11 - 8 hours.
Catch-ups: To catch up with a selection if timed out, participants can make a catch-up selection at the first opportunity rather than having to wait until their next scheduled selection. With big time zone differences, the latter may be too harsh.
Sorry again for the 24 hour delay, but we are now under starter's orders. (Don't forget to add the decade after each selection).