Hall of Fame Member
My thoughts exactly - and my prediction in the other thread has come true. And the sentence in bold is the most important thing in my mind. Bradman being at no. 2 mustn't be the only result of intellectual dishonesty from some members. It is the most evident result of the dishonesty no doubt. But there must be other results which aren't so apparent to strike us (who knows, if all voters were honest the man at no. 19 might have been at number 17, or the man at no. 47 mightn't have been in the list at all etc etc - we'll never know)...I have no issue with Bradman not being #1. In fact I didn't even put him there myself.
I don't, however, think this is an accurate reflection of the collective opinions of this site's members. It's come about because of few blokes submitted completely serious lists bar the deliberate exclusion of Bradman (and maybe a few others, but not Sobers) to be funny, hipster or mischievous.
Number of Votes Received 51/57
That says it all, and frankly it discredits the whole list. Again - not because not having Bradman at #1 is crime within itself, but because we all know that's where CW would rate him and that it demonstrates the amount of intellectually dishonest lists that we submitted.