Richard said:
Oh, there's nothing "amazing" about it, it's just a basic scorecard, which has been taken-down by scorers recording the exact outcome of every delivery (including who bowled it, and what over it was in).
And I could show it to you if I wanted - but I don't.
and if you cant show it to me, then its not 'evidence' in the first place.
Richard said:
Never - but he's only had one chance to do so in each country, because on neither of his most recent tours has a seaming pitch been present..
oh hes had enough chances, he had the chance on a seaming wicket in the 2nd test against NZ in 97,he had the chance to do it in SA in 00 in durban, he had the chance to do it in england in 02 in first 2 tests, and he had the chance to do it in the first test against SA in 02.
Richard said:
Wrong, yet again you haven't watched proplerly. And here, you seem to be suggesting that cloud-cover can cause a pitch to seam, which everyone knows is not the case, and there is no basis for thinking so.
no but it is quite often the case in england, when theres cloud cover the ball usually seams and swings and doesnt everything. and the fact that all the other bowlers got wickets while he didnt just goes to emphasise that.
Richard said:
Not neccessarily made a mistake - Hussain and Vaughan were simply given out incorrectly.
and that helps your case how?
Richard said:
But if it suggests these sorts of things to you it suggests you don't actually remember what happened - including several wicket-taking deliveries.
rubbish i remember that game quite clearly, and i never denied that kumble didnt bowl any 'wicket takin' deliveries, on rather by your counts 'jaffas' but those happen on every wicket and in this case they were few and far between. as i said earlier, if it was indeed a turner then kumble wouldnt have taken 51 overs to get his wickets and england wouldnt have scored as much as they did. ramprakash failed in that game because he simply was not good enough.
Richard said:
No, not at all - spinners can still get wickets on it, but they have to bowl better still. Instead, Giles bowled worse..
nope which just goes to show how much of that game you watched, giles bowled just as well as he always bowled, but the wicket was dead and the batting was better.
Richard said:
In fact, as you notice above, I say both. In fact, you'd have noticed I've said both several times (in several threads

) if you had an especially good memory.
no i dont happen to remember most of what you have said in the past, perhaps you'd like to point out the time that you did so?
Richard said:
No, I agree with most things in most match-reports - but because there are a hell of a lot of things reported, that means there are still quite a few mistakes made.
why do you need to read them in the first place?given that you know more than everyone on this world put together.....
Richard said:
No, but the distance between the middle and the edge which will be taken thin enough that the batsman can't control it and get it down is far enough
'get it down is far enough'? please speak in english....i have no clue what you are talking about here....
Richard said:
Yes, any fool like you.
And you can "probably" all you want - like it or not, I watched the match.
and like it or not, so did i and as did the cricinfo reporter, whos report was probably checked by someone else (who also probably watched the match) before it was posted on teh website.
Richard said:
No, they're all very much in the majority. Just because you and marc happen to have the same mentality with regards arguing to death about the deserving or not of balls with wickets against their names, though, that's about all you've got in common. SOC seems to have a slightly similar mentality.
so that comment that you made about anyone who is bothering to follow knows that im wrong was just another one of your stupid statements then?