And you would've got away with iit but for those pesky kids!Kent said:Sorry, I thought we could've pinched one of Pakistan's 3 tests.
I would much rather have had the Kiwis here instead of the Pakistani's, but I guess we'll get a VB series game... perhaps. I hear thats been shortened too!marc71178 said:And you would've got away with iit but for those pesky kids!
it would also extend the Aussie domestic season nicley and shouldn't lower the standard too much as the NZ teams would bring completley new players in (though it may take them a season or 2 to get used to the competition) the Aussie domestic season is really too short with only 5 oponentsLoony BoB said:I agree with everything in that post, actually - it would be great to see a combined domestic season.
I don't agree with that. I think the fact that there are only 10 FC matches for each state is what makes the compeition so competitive - all players are hungyr to perform because the chances aren't as frequent.age_master said:it would also extend the Aussie domestic season nicley and shouldn't lower the standard too much as the NZ teams would bring completley new players in (though it may take them a season or 2 to get used to the competition) the Aussie domestic season is really too short with only 5 oponents
Andre said:I don't agree with that. I think the fact that there are only 10 FC matches for each state is what makes the compeition so competitive - all players are hungyr to perform because the chances aren't as frequent.
I don't see that an extra 2 - 4 matches for each side (depending on number of teams increased by) is going to have any detrimental impact on the Aussie calendar etc............marc71178 said:Hits the nail on the head - the main criticism of our County Cricket is too many players and too many games - citing the Aussie system where there's fewer chances so people have to battle to make each one count as the way to go.
Of course, this is Australia. They wanted another 1-3 teams in the Super 12 and they have the NRL which has 15-18 teams a year (it constantly changes). While that's rugby/league, Aussie-NZ competitions at any level can always bring out a crowd a bit larger than your average domestic game. Trans-Tasman rivalry is like... uh... hmm. Hard to translate it to the English point of view. x_xmarc71178 said:Hits the nail on the head - the main criticism of our County Cricket is too many players and too many games - citing the Aussie system where there's fewer chances so people have to battle to make each one count as the way to go.
MoxPearl said:I dont think england really has a "friend" as close as nz and aus have..
lol close as in.. awww hugz k luv u close.. not physically :Pmarc71178 said:How much closer to you get than sharing a border?!!!!!