It isn't complicated, though. There is an irreducible element of inherent violation of individual liberty here which is not in the slightest way complicated, and attempts to inject complexity into that element where it doesn't exist just muddies the waters. There is no intersection between the - completely valid - discussion on culture normalising certain aspects of rape and this, which is nothing of the sort. It feels very, very odd to argue that "well, this manifestly is not rape buuuuut", and simply weakens the argument where you do have to consider the normalising the aspects of culture. It's imprecise, at best.
And, ultimately, there's no contradiction or even inherent tension between the irreducible simplicity of what this is and the complicated discussion of rape culture, because the nastiness of the latter arises precisely when false complexity is injected into the conversation: "well, [situation which is manifestly rape] isn't actually rape because [spurious, misogynistic reasoning]".