Gilchrist has certainly improved out of sight since I first saw him keep in a ODI in 1997 , Id say the reason most of you Englishmen dont rate him is you're memory of the way he kept at Edgebaston in 2001 (absolute rubbish) , however other than that match his test carear has been very good , he's a great keeper nowdays , not in the same league as Healy or Moin Khan but still better than Stewart ever was.
Chris Read is IMO the best keeper to seam bowling in the world , however when keeping to spin he often looks very ordinary (trust me , I saw him keep to MacGill , which aint easy but he left a bit to be desired) , Taibu has great footwork , he's very fit & agile & also posseses huge work ethic , all the qualities that made Ian Healy a star , he has the potential to be the best in the world although right now I dont quite think he's there.
Boucher has taken some superb catches in his time & is generally very solid , however he does have the odd off series where everything just seems to go wrong (the 2001/02 VB series & this summer in England) , I like the look of his understudy Van Wyk though , he's a very solid keeper & potentially brilliant batsman.
Rashid Latif gets the job done pretty tidily on most occasions , he's the sort of keeper who wont drop any of the simple ones , although from what Ive seen he dosent take alot of the screamers either , a tidy keeper but nothing more.
Patel & Mcullam are both terribly inconsistent , Ive seen them both keep extremelly well at times & horribly on others (like last night).
Moin Khan was also great on occasion , the best keeper to spinners Ive ever seen. Mongia had his days aswell.
There are also some great keepers in domestic ranks around the world , Wade Seccombe & Darren Berry could both legitemately challenge for the tag of worlds best gloveman , as could Andy Pratt (although Ive only ever seen him like twice) , the unlucky Jack Russell is also still a very good gloveman & in his heyday I dont doubt he was number 1.
However in my opinion the best keeper Ive ever seen is Adam Parore , he was very solid to all types of bowling & very rarely dropped anything.
The best today is probably either Taibu , Gilchrist or Khan (now that he's playing again)