TBH, most hardcore fans end up being muppets.
People who'll spend their last penny supporting the club, live, breathe the club, talk football constantly, argue over every point and debate...... **** off, far more to life. Usually really dull people to know too.
I'd happily go to every united game, if it wasnt £40 a ticket, because its not worth it at that price. If I was earning a lot more than I do, i'd justify it
I'm gutted when they lose, absolutely devo. But its not my life. I didn't sit up until god knows what time to watch a friendly, unlike the guy i sit next to. I'm not going to spend £40 on a gloryfied t-shirt every 2 years (might treat myself though, if i can afford it - wont do it because i feel i must.). I'm an avid fan, but never call myself hardcore, and never want to be