My tricky OD match turned out not as tricky as I'd expected, and I'm now beginning to wish I hadn't played the full team.
Frenetic Sloggers CC 83 A/O, Crow 31, Bewers 2/5 , Jeffery 2/17, Carlton 2/19, Wilde 2/32 ,
Cymru Gurgitaters 84/3, Greening 41*
I'll wait until the PFLs update, but toying with the idea of strengthening the Cup team, in the light of this match taking so little time. ATM the team to play a Resp/Resp/Abs - Resp/Use/Feeb cup Oppo is:
1.*. Patel, Strong/Resp
2. Jeffery, Strong/Prof
3. Staveley, Rem/Qual
4. Akhtar, Strong/Comp
5. Mohammed, Strong/Feeb
6.+. Staton, Resp/Woe, Feeb WK
7.B1. Bewers Feeb/Feeb, (Rem/Qual LM)
8.B2. Wilde, Feeb/Feeb (Qual/Prof)
9.B5. Edworthy, Woe/Med (Resp/Med RFM)
10. Carlton.B3. Abs/Med, (Sup/Resp LFM)
11.B4) Bent, Abs/Woe, (Resp/Feeb RFM)
Given that today's ratings, PAN, full-strength, were Qual/Prof/Woe - Sup/Prof/Feeb, I guess that Sunday's TIE ratings will be something like Strong/Med/Abs - Prof/Use/Feeb, which should be good enough, but is still a little too close for comfort.
Oh, and Hi Effin, good challenge that. I reckon, with what I know now, given time, I'd make a reasonable fist of getting half-way up BT without buying in, say solid Div III, but I wouldn't have stood a chance when I started out.
Laters, Trev