Hmm... in that case, Appleyard would be, at most, one or two weeks ahead of Ludlow in terms of batting, but he has got better concentration (they're both very low competents, though). But, like you said, Ludlow's a good captain. It depends what you're looking for really, a good batsman or a good captain? Given that it seems FC will depend quite a bit on your captain, if you've not got a good one now, one who earns his place in the team based on his playing skill, then I'd go Ludlow. If not, Appleyard. Or you could keep both.Clapo said:Appleyard - 489p/w
Ludlow - 472p/w
Yeah pretty good would have been interested if i had seen himcricketboy29 said:Finally got my allrounder trainee that I wanted. after being beaten by PY and Hing *sigh* for two other ones..
Grady Gedye (931621)
LH Batsman, LFM Bowler, competent batting form, mediocre bowling form, lively
An attacking player with feeble leadership skills and abysmal experience.
Plays For: Sad Decadent XI
Nationality: New Zealand
Age: 17 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 7,976 (-101)
Wages: £1,361 p/w
Stamina: abysmal Wicket Keeping: competent
Batting: mediocre Concentration: respectable
Bowling: respectable Consistency: woeful
Fielding: worthless
200K..pretty good I think.
My 19 y/o keeper (competant batting/concentration/wkeeping) also has suberb leadership, as does a 19y/o bowler (who is only a fringe player now on skill level).andyc said:Hmm... in that case, Appleyard would be, at most, one or two weeks ahead of Ludlow in terms of batting, but he has got better concentration (they're both very low competents, though). But, like you said, Ludlow's a good captain. It depends what you're looking for really, a good batsman or a good captain? Given that it seems FC will depend quite a bit on your captain, if you've not got a good one now, one who earns his place in the team based on his playing skill, then I'd go Ludlow. If not, Appleyard. Or you could keep both.
cricketboy29 said:Finally got my allrounder trainee that I wanted. after being beaten by PY and Hing *sigh* for two other ones..
Don't forget that you will be receving the 50k FC subsidy this week in a few days, given that FC was cancelled and all.Clapo said:My 19 y/o keeper (competant batting/concentration/wkeeping) also has suberb leadership, as does a 19y/o bowler (who is only a fringe player now on skill level).
Would you take much notice of the fact that Ludlow is an aggressive player, whilst Appleyard (what a name) is only steady (i'd imagine it isn't going to be that big of a factor?)
As much as i would like to keep em both, it's unfortunately not an option when i slipped into overdraft for the 1st time due to not having and gates income from FC games!!!
Thanks for the advice anyway![]()
yeah i know.... but i'll still be in overdraft by about 20/30kandyc said:Don't forget that you will be receving the 50k FC subsidy this week in a few days, given that FC was cancelled and all.
I bought one young guy of about 17, am training him up as a bowler on Cameron's instructions. Apparently the guy I bought could get quite good. Tbh I'm still fumbling around with a lot of the ways it works, and stuff like that. Will improve in time, I'm sure.PY said:The team who beat you would beat quite a few people on here with those ratings mate so wouldn't fuss too much.
The guy 'Jack' is a superb bowler so wasn't too much of a surprise he tore it up.
Have you been able to buy any players?
2nd season is still new. Most people on this forum and myself included are 4th season.Clapo said:nup, this is my 2nd season, i just don't like having overdrafts now that i'm up to div IV, not matter how small they are, as i'm most likely going to lose a few members due to some rather large thrashings :-)
i do need the batsmen though, i like to keep a squad of 16 (18 atm, with 2 players on the market) and currently my 2 reserve batsmen (were in the team when i took over) are only competant with very poor secondaries,and both are in their late 20's, so i'd prefer to hoik 1 or them (the oldest 1) and train up 1 of the above 17 y/o's
No easy hard and fast rule it's just common sense, you'll probably have to just copy and paste your squad across to this thread or the "Where should i improve" thread if you want it to get looked at.Clapo said:Cheers for the advice :-), they'll only be getting 1 net each, i need the 3rd batting net for 1 of my 18 y/o's
btw anyone looking for some mid-late 20's Competant batsmen :-P
EDTI: Judging but what you have just told me Scaly... i think i may have my nets screwed up completely...
ATM have 3x Batting, 3x Bowling, 2x Fitness, 1xFielding, 1xWkeeping...
12 out of the current 17 players in my squad are 19 years or younger....7 of whom need some major work on their secondaries (consistencty & concentration mainly)...and apart from the obvious of making sure my 3 17y/o's get nets... i'm still not 100% sure how to prioritise... is there an easy way of doing so???
Scaly piscine 13/01/06 said:Code:[b]Player Age BTR Batting Bowling WK[/b] Shields 24 6205 respectable Packer 21 12975 proficient Dillon 18 12661 respectable mediocre Armstrong 18 19937 competent competent Weaver 20 4430 respectable Maxwell 22 3786 respectable competent Callery 19 4414 mediocre Cooper 29 3731 feeble competent Cahalane 19 8410 woeful respectable Street 23 5700 abysmal competent Howlett 19 8320 abysmal competent
Scaly piscine 02/05/06 said:Code:[b]Player[/b] [b]Age[/b] [b]BTR[/b] [b]Batting[/b] [b]Bowling[/b] [b]WK[/b] Armstrong+ 19 46346 respectable respectable Packer 22 18405 proficient Dillon 19 33675 proficient respectable Shields 25 8142 respectable Weaver 21 4505 respectable Barton 26 6106 competent Callery 20 5596 mediocre Mohamed 27 7221 mediocre proficient Pace* 20 12672 feeble strong Cahalane 20 11270 woeful proficient Howlett 20 8729 abysmal competent
[b]Player[/b] [b]Age[/b] [b]BTR[/b] [b]Batting[/b] [b]Bowling[/b] [b]WK[/b]
Nile 28 13366 superb
Packer 23 20082 strong
Armstrong+ 20 73793 strong strong
Obrien 18 7341 proficient
Dillon 20 39962 proficient proficient
Lisbie 23 27026 strong proficient
Barton 26 6701 competent
Horne 18 12287 mediocre superb
Walsh* 29 4287 mediocre
Pace 21 18928 feeble superb
Cahalane 21 11371 woeful proficient