So here's the rules, copied from the earlier thread:
- Everyone taking part has $1,000,000 to bid with
- You then use this to bid (in a silent auction - i.e. bids are e-mailed to me) for your positions in the draft.
Just to illustrate, suppose we have 3 players (X, Y and Z) bidding for a 5-man team
X is desperate to get first pick, and bids (999,996; 1; 1; 1; 1)
Y wants some early picks, and bids (600,000; 300,000; 90,000; 5000; 5000)
Z wants to avoid late picks, and bids (200,000; 200,000; 200,000; 200,000; 200,000)
Then the picking order for the draft would be: X, Y, Y, Z, Z, Z, Z, Z, Y, Y, Y, X, X, X, X.
Also, in the event of a tie, the person who's gone longest without a pick gets to pick first.
Each player submits their list of 11 bids, which must all be whole, positive numbers of dollars (so $1 is the minimum bid), summing to $1,000,000. (You might as well put your bids in descending order, as I'll sort them that way anyway).