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Akhtar, Bond or Lee?


Hall of Fame Member
Dasa said:
^I dunno about Lee...ODIs definitely, not Tests I think.
Yeah, well I guess that depends. If Lee was suddenly available for England right now, he probably wouldn't be picked, but if he had been playing for England in ODIs and dominating he certainly would be.

Either of Bond or Akhtar would make both forms easily, and Lee obviously in ODIs.


I think Bond haven't played enough cricket on regular basis to be rated so highly.Someone, like Harmison, has been performing since some time and can be rated among the best, but bond really haven't pleyed enough test cricket to be actually rated.


Cricketer Of The Year
I agree. I think if Bond continues his recent form for the next 6 - 12 months then you could probably say he's getting near the top.

As it stands, hes been out for 2 years with injury and he's only bowling against an extremely poor Zimbabwe lineup and an Indian side which appears to be in dissaray at times.

Im not knocking his current performances because they've been exceptional but he's gotta keep doing it for a bit longer yet.


Hall of Fame Member
if Bond bowls as well has he bowled againts India vs Australia in the chappel-hadlee trophy this december & aus continue playing has inconsistent on tour here boy it wont be pretty :ph34r:


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marc71178 said:
Well for me, of the 3 he's the only one who'd come close to making an England Test side - which is about as good a way to make the call as any I'd say.
Have you seen Bond bowl before?? Not even close to the English side???


Eyes not spreadsheets
Blaze said:
Lol as if Bond wouldn't make the English side. They may be good Marc but don't get carried away.
English Test side?

Not a hope.

His overall Test figures are so misleading it's unbelieveable and there's no way I'd replace any of Jones, Hoggard, Flintoff or Harmison with him.


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marc71178 said:
Well for me, of the 3 he's the only one who'd come close to making an England Test side - which is about as good a way to make the call as any I'd say.
The win gone to his head a little perhaps 8-)


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marc71178 said:
No, I just realise that Bond's figures are very very misleading.
Why, because he didn't have great stats after his first 2 tests aginst Australia when he bowled much better than his figures suggested??


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marc71178 said:
No because when you remove minnows and crappy pitches, the average is in the mid-30s...
So you are reading a lot into his first 2 test against aust then. Because his average was awful after that first series, even though he bowled better than that.


This thread is useless because whole world knows that Shoaib Akhtar is the best.Lee and Bond can't be as great as Akhtar even if they play cricket for next 20 years.
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State 12th Man
Shoaib said:
This thread is useless because whole world knows that Shoaib Akhtar is the best.Lee and Bond can't be as great as Akhtar even if they play cricket for next 20 years.
stop acting like a fool.
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godofcricket said:
stop acting like a fool.
Ahktar is not as great as Imran Khan,Richard Hadlee,Malcolm Marshall etc but he is atleast 100 times better than other two bowlers in discussion.
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International Regular
Ahktar is not as great as Imran Khan,Richard Hadlee,Malcolm Marshall etc but he is atleast 100 times better than other two bowlers in discussion.
Grow a brain.


State Regular
Shoaib said:
Ahktar is not as great as Imran Khan,Richard Hadlee,Malcolm Marshall etc but he is atleast 100 times better than other two bowlers in discussion.
Akhter has the potential to become one of the all time great bowlers of the game and match greats like Waqar and Marshall but unfortunately the guy suffers from mood swings and has not done justice with his game.Its difficult to rate Akhtar when the guy isn't even a regular member of Pakistan team. Marshall and Hadlee were 100 percent committed cricketers, Imran khan was a super athelete, Akhtar simply cannot be compared with them.

Richard Rash

U19 Cricketer
Haha Marc you really can't judge a cricketer can you. Look beyond the stats mate. Are you an accountant by trade by any chance? Looking at the bare figures instead of the bowler. What a joke! Have you actually watched him bowl? He has got assets that make him one of the most dangerous bowlers in the world.
