fmd, what a painful display from the Pies yesterday. To take nothing away from Melbourne, who are obviously a helluva a lot better than they were last year, and deserved to win given how we played, that was embarressing. I don't generally turn on the boys when they don't win, but jeez I was pissed off watching after quarter time, and pretty disappointed with what's going on. We certainly didn't deserve the two points based on how we played after quarter time yesterday. How the **** Jolly and Fraser, rucking in tandem, let themselves get so comprehensively pantsed by Jamar is beyond me - including the times when Jamar was actually having a breather on the bench and freakin' Aaron Davey or someone was rucking. Travis Cloke played a decent game but unfortunately, given he's our key 'forward', he played it on the wing. Leon Davis, oh so unusually, stunk up the 'G. Thank god we had Dane Swann, Brad Dick and Dale Thomas yesterday. Great to see Ben Reid get the Rising Star nod as well - recognition for what's becoming his breakout year.
I think the bye is coming at a really good time for us, given we've lost three matches in the last month

. Hopefully Malthouse and the boys might decide that their brilliant new strategy of playing without a visible forward line and compiling scores 1 point at a time should be dumped in favour of how we were playing a couple of months ago.
The following is a list of players who I would not shed a tear if they never played another game for the Pies:
- you've been a ruckman in the AFL system for 13 years, and you still can't take a centre bounce without falling on your ass 9 times out of 10. Or mark up.
- learn to show up in big games ****. Had one awesome year, but has reverted to being a hack this year.
At least we should have Maxwell, Didak, Ball and Dawes back for the match against Sydney in a couple of weeks.