I think you'd find Fred Root's autobiography useful - it's called "A Cricket Pro's Lot" which gives a flavour of its content. It was published in the 30's - Frank Woolley, Maurice Tate and Jack Hobbs were other pros who published books between the wars - oh and Ciss Parkin as well - If you're looking to buy the Root book has the advantage of not being too pricy either. As to the amateurs the choice is Ken Farnes, Frank Foster or Arthur Carr. Between the wars you are of course in Bodyline territory, a subject which is one of my personal favourites, and there were a whole raft of books published at the time which vary in quality but I suspect, from the angle you're going at it, are all of interest.
After the war Hammond, Wyatt, Paynter, Tennyson, Ames immediately occur to me as having gone into print but I suspect you want the contemporary stuff?
Anyway I hope that helps to start with - please ask away with any other questions