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Agent Nationaux

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  • Really sorry I couldn't be more help, honestly thought at first glance they'd given you the same format tests I've done. As I stated I've been gunning for policy roles in Whitehall, rather than inspector based roles within the Revenue (however, theres a chance for me to get on something similar to this later this month, we'll see)
    Simply, keep your final judgement until right at the end, and then its all down to how well you write! They will score you on persuasiveness of arguement, how easily it is to follow (bullet points are a no, but nothing stopping you having 5 headings, sub headings for each choice, and small paragraphs for/against underneath for each idea.

    They will also look at how easy your material can be taken away and used by a senior colleague, if it can be read straight from or needs adapting.

    Significantly, finishing is not the be all and end all - I've passed very well when lacking a conclusion. So long as the script is looking like its in good shape, they wont be too harsh for not quite getting it all down. Better than a rushed but finished one.
    The best advice I can give is try and reason everything out, and feel free to criticise your own answers. Don't get stuck on a certain track at the start, and find little movement later.... Normally the ones I do for my courses are 'We've got to back A, B or C - there are 5 criteria, look at the notes and tell me who you back and why' - To approach those I always look at the 5 criteria seperate, for and against each project under each, then sum up which is the strongest in that criteria - at the end I back the one thats strongest accross the most criteria (its rare one stands out by a long way, if its argued justly). THEN I conclude and make a decision.
    Part B sounds a bit more in my area, but again its not the same style of test I've done in the past though - You'll no doubt be looking at a fictional project set in the future - thus you can't bring in outside knowledge. If its focusing on one project they will be looking how you interprit the evidence they've given you, and how you extrapolate your own solutions to the issues they've outlined. Sometimes they'll include the words 'the skys the limit' or similar, which means its more an exercise of showing how creative and original you can be - those ones will mark on quantity and originality of ideas.
    OK re-reading that and it is different to the tests I've had to take in the past, mines been 1 multiple choice exercise, with about 25 questions based on source material.... Thought it seemed a bit strange using a policy test for an inspector style role.

    I can't offer much advise on part A, though getting this far you must be decent enough at analysing data anyway.
    I'll get around to introducing myself ASAP. :) I studied medicine for ~two months, before I had to drop out because close family members became physically incapacitated following a head-on car accident, and, well, I like taking care of them. I'll be looking to study it again soon, once things get back on track.
    Good stuff, expecting a nice HD picture of a 6 pack in my inbox soon. And none of that Photoshop stuff :P

    Good luck with the job search as well, some great advice by Fusion in the posts below!!
    Intact, leave us an email addy, and I'll send it through, it'll be far too big for a VM. If you'd rather email me direct than leave it on here, mine is polmanuk at hotmail dot com
    Bear with me, been having a 'mare at work last few days. Will do you something comprehensible on Sat night.

    Can't find out much internally, as they arn't doing their tests until after you lot, but I can give you my experiences from doing the first lot of assessments (done 2 different ones, follow the same format each time). They arn't something you can revise for, as they are set in fictional scenarios in the future to stop you bringing in outside knowledge. (sorry, off to bed now, 16 hour day tomorrow!!! Need all the sleep I can get)
    Sorry to hear about the bad interview man. Keep your chin up though. I know it's a pain in the arse to go through the job hunting process, but Inshallah something good will come up around the corner. Just keep positive! :-) In my interactions with you, I've found you to be an intelligent person. So I'm sure you are qualified for your field and it's only a matter of time before you are hired.
    Hey man! Yeah I saw the news on Whatmore. I think it's a great hire. Also, I don't really think he would've had much impact on the England series anyway. A coach needs time to know his players and work with them to improve them. With the series starting next week, he wouldn't have gotten that time. Plus, he would've been unfairly blamed if our results turn out to be bad. Better for him to start fresh and without unreasonable expectations.
    Hey bud, Happy New Year to you too!

    Usually I head over to downtown Toronto for the fireworks and concert. But this time I went over to a friend's house, he was hosting a small house party. Was pretty decent. So, what are your plans for 2012? Any resolutions? :P
    Happy New Year's to you too! Wishing you the best of health and happiness in the coming year. :-)

    I didn't do anything major, just went out with some family and friends and participated in a countdown. It was fun. And no, I haven't seen Cold Souls. Is it any good?
    in the SL vs Pak series the test matches were free.

    ODI and T20 tickets were 30 AED for the cheapest stands. 100 AED for a decent one. AED 250 for cinema style seats and AC. 1500 for VIP.

    I am assuming test matches will be free this time around too
    haha.....at least with PTI rallies you do know that they will finish well before midnight even if they start at mid day :p
    walaikumassalam Agent. Apparently there were lots of firework. It seemed that practically the whole world was converging at Burj Khalifa for the fireworks. Apparently it was an awesome spectacle but I had gone to bed early so that I could wake up early :p. Besides I hate crowds of a quarter million or so.
    Haha, I'll think about it. I've never taken part in an avatar bet before and as I don't think we'll win, it's most certainly going to result in me sporting an avatar I despise for 6 months or more!
    I'm not an avid gamer, but I'm aware of Metal Gear. Looks nice!

    My avatar is that of my favorite baseball team - The Texas Rangers. I love following Baseball, NBA, and American Football and naturally support all of the Dallas based teams in those sports. I've had this current avatar since the Rangers made it to the World Series (and crushingly lost) this year. Come to think of it, it's time to change it. I should have a new one up prior to the Eng/Pak series. :-)
    Yeah I just saw that and responded. Thanks for standing up to that ridiculous comment!

    By the way, why in the world did you change your avatar to that horrible, horrible man? What happened to the classy Waqar?
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