Whatever it takes!!!
You guys suck.
Yeah. Ricky Ponting and Steve Smith at 3 and 5 would look super strong.You could have got Steve Smith, fam!
Nothing personal to him, but I think if he doesn't submit for 2 straight rounds we should remove him, as it adds a lot of time, if someone inactive takes the full amount of time, just to not select.And first pick still remains for @kingkallis
Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 |
ankitj | Teuton | JOJOXI | kingkallis |
srbhkshk | trundler | Line and Length | srbhkshk |
honestbharani | FullerPilch | Cricaddict | ataraxia |
ataraxia | Cricaddict | AndrewB | shortpitched713 |
Bitmap | AndrewB | Bitmap | honestbharani |
Pothas | Line and Length | trundler | Teuton |
shortpitched713 | Patience | ankitj | Pothas |
kingkallis | JOJOXI | FullerPilch | Patience |
JOJOXI | kingkallis | Patience | FullerPilch |
Patience | shortpitched713 | Pothas | ankitj |
Line and Length | Pothas | Teuton | trundler |
AndrewB | Bitmap | honestbharani | Bitmap |
Cricaddict | ataraxia | shortpitched713 | AndrewB |
FullerPilch | honestbharani | ataraxia | Cricaddict |
trundler | srbhkshk | srbhkshk | Line and Length |
Teuton | ankitj | kingkallis | JOJOXI |
Now my turn to be a crybaby. Next 16 picks probably every good fast bowler is going to magically disappear before I get a bite...
Round 2 Round 3 Teuton JOJOXI trundler Line and Length FullerPilch Cricaddict Cricaddict AndrewB AndrewB Bitmap Line and Length trundler Patience ankitj JOJOXI FullerPilch kingkallis Patience shortpitched713 Pothas Pothas Teuton Bitmap honestbharani ataraxia shortpitched713 honestbharani ataraxia srbhkshk srbhkshk ankitj kingkallis
@kingkallis Hope all is well now.Sorry guys. Couldn't pick my players due to some family emergencies.
Can I pick my players now?