This forum is a pretty big fan of specialists. Looking at the RSA team balance leads me to pose a question (not on RSA specifically, just related). Assuming a top 5 bats who are at least very good but not capable as part timers, and 4 very good bowlers.
Try to ignore quality of the wk as a batsman, and assume there isn't a Murali type bowler who can bowl 40% of the innings, as well as assuming there isn't a genuine batting or bowling allrounder available.
At what point do you select a bits and pieces players for the sake of balance of the side? And who makes the cut under most circumstances? As an example, Flintoff wouldn't make the cut in such a team as a bowler or bat, and in general I think he is somewhat overrated, but he would be a dream given these constraints. He's possibly a bit too good a bowler to be put into a bits and pieces category though. Who makes the grade for the sake of balance despite being weaker overall?
Or does anyone go for another very good specialist ahead of Flintoff/Flintoff lite given these constraints?
Try to ignore quality of the wk as a batsman, and assume there isn't a Murali type bowler who can bowl 40% of the innings, as well as assuming there isn't a genuine batting or bowling allrounder available.
At what point do you select a bits and pieces players for the sake of balance of the side? And who makes the cut under most circumstances? As an example, Flintoff wouldn't make the cut in such a team as a bowler or bat, and in general I think he is somewhat overrated, but he would be a dream given these constraints. He's possibly a bit too good a bowler to be put into a bits and pieces category though. Who makes the grade for the sake of balance despite being weaker overall?
Or does anyone go for another very good specialist ahead of Flintoff/Flintoff lite given these constraints?