Give the belt to Lesnar, and lets watch Sami Zayn the triumphant Rumble winner and the ultimate underdog as he gets suplexed 50x and still somehow, someway, manages to win. Or lose even. It doesn't matter. It'll be better.Well Vince is the one who picks what goes on, so he gets the blame. They might be some amazing stuff being written but if Vince doesn't like it...
You can promote this NXT guy or push that guy a bit, but at the end of the day, Roman has been pushed for over a year now, and it's been a colossal failure and Vince needs to admit that. That's one of the most important things. And then they have to review why it failed, was it preventable etc because it could just happen again.
Anyway if they do that, I think this could actually be the time to cash in on the "anyone can win the Royal Rumble" chip. Sami Zayn plz
Not going to happen.Well Vince is the one who picks what goes on, so he gets the blame. They might be some amazing stuff being written but if Vince doesn't like it...
You can promote this NXT guy or push that guy a bit, but at the end of the day, Roman has been pushed for over a year now, and it's been a colossal failure and Vince needs to admit that. That's one of the most important things. And then they have to review why it failed, was it preventable etc because it could just happen again.
Anyway if they do that, I think this could actually be the time to cash in on the "anyone can win the Royal Rumble" chip. Sami Zayn plz
I mean, KO isn't lost in the shuffle, Breeze seems to be getting a promising push. We may deride the women's division but it's a hell of a lot better now than it was. Bo and Neville? They're still treated a lot better than the other non-NXT mid or lower card guys.Not going to happen.
Unless something really drastic happens viewers are either going to have to get used to nobody else on the roster mattering, or go and watch a different promotion.
I love Sami Zayn as much as the next guy, but he will never get the full support of the machine behind him whilst the old man is calling the shots. Nor will anybody whose name isn't Cena or Reigns.
It's why I don't want to see any of the NXT guys end up on the main roster anymore. They'll just be lost in the shuffle, used stupidly, and end up being ruined like the endless list of other guys who the E have had a chance to do something with, but for whatever reason totally failed to do so. I'd rather just keep watching them on NXT where the programming is interesting and actually based around good storylines and good wrestling, as opposed to seeing them on RAW, where good story lines do not exist, and wrestling is ancillary to stupid comedy skits and pop culture references.
Did you know you can watch NXT for $9.99 a month? etc etc etc etcI record NXT each week and try to watch it. Don't always watch Raw and hardly ever watch the other shows. It really is what I love most right now.
Oh boy, yeah imagine what things would be like if those two guys never made it out of NXT...I don't agree though Sledger. The main roster needs new talent. Just imagine if Benoit and Guerrero remained NXT names. Smackdown and Raw breakup actually helped in this regard that time though. Raw had the big heads while wrestlers managed to prosper on smackdown. Maybe NXT can develop as a stronger brand slowly.. I don't know what the solution is.
What does that mean?And anyway, NXT is not just another brand. People need to stop calling it that.