Cena vs Owens was great, ME was awesome, but the rest was very dull. Didn't agree with the booking, and felt the MITB match was lacking in decent spots. Best spot was Reigns leaping over the top rope, other than that, wasn't the best MITB match. A decent PPV, passable at best, certainly wasn't great though. 2 great matches don't make a great PPV.
I mean the MITB matches just kind of roll into one these days but it was a good match. Two great matches, one good match and the rest passable is certainly more than good for any non mania show. Given that those three matches comprised of about two thirds of the show in length
No show can and should have absolutely top drawer matches all the way through. You need the quieter matches.
Not agreeing with the booking is such an Internet thing to rate an individual show on and there's no point discussing it in detail as I suspect we would never agree - I don't mean that rudely, just ideological opposition points. But my thoughts:
1. I don't like New Day losing the belts because I like to be a mark from time to time and love them. But them losing when they were down to two men is COMPLETELY logical given the way they've got all their heat. They'll get their rematch, with three of them there and my money would be on a quick switch back.
2. Not wanting Sheamus to win is fine but this is where the IWC and their 'bad booking' theories will always fall down IMO. As I said, with the case he can generate heat if it plays out right. I say it almost as often as Jono says he hasn't watched wrestling since 2005-6 but you can't judge an act of booking like that without knowing what comes next.
3. Cena winning makes sense on a couple of levels, given how over it puts Owens doing the whole post match attack and the fact that he did that means we can have a rubber match. Maybe with some gold on the line next time
I know you didn't specifically call out this booking but I thought I'd share some thoughts anyway. Were meant to be brief lol