You said that Hesson and White were directly responsible for the shambles, heavily implying that you wanted them canned. If this is a misinterpretation of what you were saying then I apologise. But I don't think it is. it again. You said
"The national body's constitution is being rewritten and the board will be up for election later this year, so there is some accountability for the Taylor ****-up."
The constitution being rewritten and the board re election was always on the cards: this is not "some accountability", its the process. If there was going to be any accountability it would be on Hesson and White: and nothing has happened. That was my entire point. There has been no accountability. If things don't change: there will be no accountability.
I agree it's not about who hates who. That's what I've said several times. And I've also said I'm not happy for "them" (I presume you mean the senior leadership of the NZC) to continue. I'm not sure where you're getting any of this from.
Look, if this report were attacking NZC over it's investment policies, or its Board appointments or its management of the media, then I'd be right behind them. But it isn't. The stuff that's been made public primarily focussed on how McCullum and co. have wronged Taylor and co. If doesn't really comment much on the NZC at all, besides stating that it was a bad decision to appoint Hesson if he was determined to replace Taylor with McCullum.
Oh come on. NZ Cricket have shut up shop and aren't talking. They could have picked any of the bizzare things that have happened in the last few years and written a report about that. How about Vettori's run as Captain and "Coach?"
They had to start somewhere. In order to go after the investment policies they would actually need NZ Cricket to talk to them and supply information. They would need people on the inside. That wasn't going to happen.
I'll admit that this wasn't the "best written report." But its a free country and they can write whatever the heck they want to. All NZ Cricket need to do to stop this sort of thing happening is to stop saying that it is over when it is not.
I'm sorry, then you're just wrong. Zimbabwe are an appalling cricket side, barely better than a good club team. Bangladesh aren't much better. There's a reason why they never beat the top 8 sides. It's because they are vastly inferior cricket teams (at least in test cricket). The differences between SA and ENG, and ENG and NZ are nothing compared to the distance between even Zim and the major cricket playing nations (especially in tests). If New Zealand had lost that match, it would've been the lowest moment in NZ test history since 26ao.
:: shrugs ::
You are entitled to your opinion. At least Taylor wasn't captain at our actual lowest moment in NZ test history since 26ao: which was South Africa a few months ago. It was a good test win. There were wobbles, but Taylor took a risk with his declaration and it nearly bit him in the butt. But as captain he held his nerve and they gutsed it out for a win. You might take victory over the minnows as a given: but England came to New Zealand this year with the exact same attitude and it nearly bit them in the butt.
Zimbabwe came close because Brendan Taylor had one of those perfect days. Those days happen and if they had of won it would have been well deserved in a hard fought match where our team actually played very well. You can't just ignore those victories because you are arrogant enough to think we "deserved to win it simply because of who we are."
I never said that it was. Significant problems remain with the side and I've been keen to acknowledge that. But I don't think McCullum's captaincy is one of those significant problems.
And neither do I. But the meme since Taylor got dumped has been that he was a poor captain that didn't take risks and McCullum is an exciting captain who does take risks. The reality is that they are both very different types of captains who did well under the circumstances and with the right support could have built an exceptional team.
"Sources close to Taylor and others who have been part of the team in various roles say this was in fact the older players - McCullum, Mills, Oram and Vettori - saying he would not drink with them in the bar. One young player, who shall remain nameless, objected to the continual ridicule he got from this group of older players for wanting to practice more. "
Nothing here about McCullum being a drunk or a bully. Nothing close to the accusations made against Taylor.
"McCullum is mostly injured and appears to want to play on his terms"
Accepted. Now: was this assertion wrong? I don't think it was. He wanted to open the batting, even though it was entirely unsuited to opening, and it is only now that he is batting in "the right spot" that his batting is starting to come right again.
Originally Posted by SteveNZ
Always felt Brendon was the better candidate but Hesson is going to find it hard to take it off Ross and give it to a guy everyone knows is a close compadre of his.
Brendon to me reads the game better, is more open to being willing to lose a game to win a game (lord knows we're good at doing the former anyway) and giving him the responsibility could have brought the best out in him. Speaks better, better with the media, etc etc
Originally Posted by HeathDavisSpeed
Also, wholly unconvinced by Ross Taylor as Captain. Taking too much on his shoulders, I feel.
Originally Posted by Kippax
I wonder if Ross loses the captaincy before NZ's home summer. He's trying to be rational about our ****ness in a Wellalbidarned way, but I doubt the average fan will stand for a starfish who just keeps taking this with what they'll quickly perceive as 'I got mine' conceit.
Originally Posted by Bahnz
This is just awful captaincy from Taylor. Undoing a lot of the good will he earnt with his first innings knock.
Originally Posted by Athlai
Taylor isn't a terrible captain.
Accepted that it was said on the forums.
But to be honest: a lot of stuff is said on these forums that I don't agree with: and a lot of stuff is said that is just flat out wrong. Now go back to my original statement without your qualifier: ("found on these forums") and show me the people who were openly criticising his captaincy outside of the forums before he was fired.
Again, I'm not saying that the report is the cause of the divisive bull****. Nor am I giving the thumbs up to the NZC for how they handled the Taylor affair. My point, from the start, has been that airing the dirty washing of the players (e.g. internal factions within the team, accusations of bullying on both sides, accusations that cetain players are only looking out for themselves and their mates) isn't going to help the team. Nor do I think it will shine a light on the behaviour of the NZC.
Doing nothing will not help the team. "Following the process" will not help the team. I got into a dispute with a company last year. I followed the process, sent emails, called people, and did all the right things: I got ignored. I went semi-public and it was resolved within hours.
There is going to be some blood shed over this: and there needs to be. The process is disfunctional. IT DOES NOT WORK. Want evidence for that? Ask someone from NZ Cricket if Mark Greatbatch was the Black Caps coach. The process hasn't been working since Andy Moles got the shaft. The Taylor affair is simply the last straw.
I mean seriously: do you think pretending everything is fine will mean that everything is fine? Look how well it turned out for this guy: (Warning: violence and a couple of rude words)
This stuff has to come out. How long do you think Taylor is going to play in a team where the coach won't talk to him? If things stay the way they are I can't see him lasting longer than a year in the Black Caps uniform. Keeping stuff like this quiet never ever works. If NZ cricket isn't going to take the lead, then someone else will.