International Regular
Will one ever make it at test level and become a regular wicket taker in the current climate? seeing one on the international scene these days is extremely rare, we used to have the "tadpole" aka Dave Mohammed who played five tests back in the day but never had impressive figures, we also had Ellis Achong in the 1930s who was the "chinaman" they created the saying from, he never got many wickets either, then from other teams Bradd Hogg came and went, but Michael Bevan did alright i guess, i ask this question because in our t20 competition a young chap has emerged for CCC named Kristopher Ramsaran and he looks very decent indeed, only two games in mind but he's dazzling people like a young Narine at times!!, especially when he bowls the "googly"
, but anyway in closing the question is can the "chinaman" style ever be productive at test level?