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You know what really grinds my cricketing gears?


Mr. Glass
**** ponting. What about others who also spend their hard earned money to watch cricket live? Why should they put up with rude assholes who come to a ground specifically boo someone?
Booing the opposition =/= being rude. Everyone participates enthusiastically if one guy does it.


International Coach
That's not really what we're talking about though.
If you're saying that booing at sports events is disrespectful to other fans who just came to watch the game, then I disagree. Booing, to an extent of course, is all part of the spectacle of live sports.


International Captain
If you're saying that booing at sports events is disrespectful to other fans who just came to watch the game, then I disagree. Booing, to an extent of course, is all part of the spectacle of live sports.
kinda agree... but the attitude that "i have paid for my ticket; so i will do whatever i want" makes one a dickhead. even i pay for my ticket and i like to slap those idiots who come only to boo... can i? it is always an embarrassment to be caught in the middle of asian cricket fans. sri lankans are by and large okay. but the rest are as stupid as english soccer fans.
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Global Moderator
If you're saying that booing at sports events is disrespectful to other fans who just came to watch the game, then I disagree. Booing, to an extent of course, is all part of the spectacle of live sports.
What I'm saying is that not paying any respect to the opposition, even when they do well or when the match is over, just makes you a ****


Hall of Fame Member
What I'm saying is that not paying any respect to the opposition, even when they do well or when the match is over, just makes you a ****
You are singling out some **** behaviour and calling it **** while excusing other similar behaviour. That is also fine as that's based on your taste. But you can't take a high horse approach when you are excusing some of the poor behaviour yourself.

And not acknowledging good performance is not disrespectful to anyone and is any day better that booing or abusing which is positively disrespectful.


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You are singling out some **** behaviour and calling it **** while excusing other similar behaviour. That is also fine as that's based on your taste. But you can't take a high horse approach when you are excusing some of the poor behaviour yourself.

And not acknowledging good performance is not disrespectful to anyone and is any day better that booing or abusing which is positively disrespectful.


Norwood's on Fire
what a redundant post :ph34r:
You are singling out some **** behaviour and calling it **** while excusing other similar behaviour. That is also fine as that's based on your taste. But you can't take a high horse approach when you are excusing some of the poor behaviour yourself.

And not acknowledging good performance is not disrespectful to anyone and is any day better that booing or abusing which is positively disrespectful.
No because booing can often be pantomimeesque, and it's all about time and place. Ot's like sledging really, I think Spark already said this. Play hard but when all is said and done, acknowledge your opponent.


Mr. Glass
kinda agree... but the attitude that "i have paid for my ticket; so i will do whatever i want" makes one a dickhead. even i pay for my ticket and i like to slap those idiots who come only to boo... can i? it is always an embarrassment to be caught in the middle of asian cricket fans. sri lankans are by and large okay. but the rest are as stupid as english soccer fans.
So you want to slap people because they did nothing to you personally but because you disagree with them? Doesn't look like they are the bad guys to me now.


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So you want to slap people because they did nothing to you personally but because you disagree with them? Doesn't look like they are the bad guys to me now.
Sounds to me you that you have no idea that Bagapath was using a little bit of licence there.


Mr. Glass

No because booing can often be pantomimeesque, and it's all about time and place. Ot's like sledging really, I think Spark already said this. Play hard but when all is said and done, acknowledge your opponent.
Acknowledging your opponents? Opponents are not entitled to respect, they have to earn it. Look at the 98-99 Ind-Pak test at Chennai, that performance deserved an ovation and the players got one. Ponting has not put up a performance worthy of respect in India and I am happy about crowds booing him till the day he earns their respect.
