Week Eleven Update
The boring admin bits first. As already established DoG is joining on the lowest current overall score minus one & Marcuss missed the first eight games of the weekend (might one humbly suggest an earlier tipping regime?), so, in accordance with accepted practice, he's awared the lowest actual score achieved on those games, which is 4 by Cevno & Pothas.
Very fair scoring for the most part this week, with everyone getting at least a 50% passmark and no fewer than three of our ranks nailing 9/10s.
Best get of the round was Furball predicting the Swans holding the red half of Liverpool & the worst misses were fatt and Cevno not foreseeing the Chelsea win in Blackburn and Vimes and Cevno (who's had better weeks) not going for Man City beating QPR.
No tips from cpr, yadda, yadda...
Halsey 9
Somers 9
Sean 9
ripper 8
bi 8
Brumby 8
GF 8
Johnners 7
Vimes 7
marc 7
grecian 7
chalky 7
duffer 6
fred 6
fatt 6
Pothas 6
DoG 6
Cevno 5
Marcuss 5
cpr 5
Weekly bonuses to Halsey, Sean & Somers; the latter of whom moves up to second, ousting former leader fred and closing marc's lead to two tips. Johnners remains in the medals in outright third, but a bad week for fertangs pere & fils sees them fall to fourth and equal sixth respectively.
At the other end of the table a six isn't quite enough to left newb DoG from the basement.
1) marc 65.04
2) Somers 63.02
3) Johnners 61.03
4) fred 61.02
=5) CDM 60.03
=6) fatt 60.03
7) Halsey 60.01
=8) grecian 59.02
=8) Sean 59.02
=8) bi 59.02
11) Brumby 56
12) ripper 55.01
13) GF 54.01
14) GIMH 53.01
=15) Marcuss 52.01
=15) chalky 52.01
17) Cevno 51.01
=18) Vimes 51
=18) duffer 51
20) cpr 47
21) Pothas 46.01
22) DoG 45