Well tbh, if a player doesn't have good domestic figures, they're unlikely to get good international ones until they're better players. Bracewell has started well here, and I completely disagree with TH's assessment of his performance last night, but I'll be waiting for a few games before deciding whether Bracewell is the exception to the rule.
Brent Arnel was definitely a better bowler than Bracewell as of the end of last season. After the emerging players tour success and subsequent Zimbabwe success, I'm not sure whether we're looking at an improvement in Bracewell's bowling or just a form blip, but just because Bracewell has better assets than Arnel it doesn't mean his application of them is good enough to make him better than what Arnel manages with his limited assets.
Problem is people tend to look at a player's overall domestic figures, not how he has fared most recently. Bracewell is a reasonable example - his list A bowling average is 31, but it was 27 last summer. I'm sure there's better examples, Bennett is one that springs to mind whose early career was absolutely awful and it was hard to atone for them.
The other issue is if given the right environment (coaches, players around him, all the things that go into performance) does that player have the necessary tools to be an international player. I would say Bracewell has those over Arnel as an example, and has periods of form to back it up, therefore was picked.
A good example of someone I can think of off the top of my head is Michael Vaughan. He had a terrible FC average of something like 25 when he was picked for England. But good judges saw something in him, saw something in his decent scores that would translate. And they were proven right.
Selectors see and hear a lot more than Joe Public. We'd get a lot different sides thrown up if they were strictly based on averages, and I guarantee those sides wouldn't outperform the ones picked.
Anyway, point stands on Bracewell. To say he 'stunk' last night is laughable. It smacked of someone looking at a scorecard.