Refer to post no 10 in this thread
It is better for everyone concerned to realise that every sport does not and will not have universal following, come what may. Spending money on it is not going to help. Its a fool's pipe dream. There is a difference between Arabs playing cricket and Indian and Pakistanis living in UAE playing cricket.
Then there is the nature of the sport. Some sports like football for example, are more basic to the human sporting (childlike if you please) instincts. Thus kicking something, anything, is something man has probably done for thousands of years. For that to evolve into kicking a regular size ball in a specific direction and the evolution of football is a natural phenomenon.
Simlarly, hitting a ball back and forth between two (or more) opponents with a stick (like in tennis or table tennis, is again very basic in nature and easily adaptable around the world.
Take something complex like cricket with all its massive do's and dont's and rules and regulations (trust the British to mire even sport into bureaucratic rules and regulations) or its off shoot like baseball and you will always get restricted so far as the game's spread is concerned. Its not something to worry about or try to undo just because you have billions and think billions can do anything - as Mr Lalit "scandalous" Modi thought - even if it is liberally sprinkled with cheer girls in bikini and the rest.
Cricket would not even be played in the countries it is played in today if the British had not ruled half the world and then after them some of them had not split into more countries.
Have a heart guys. Cricket is fine as far as number of countries or people playing it is concerned. The worry is not how to get more people in more countries playing it but how to make sure those in the countries where it is already played continue to come and watch it.
And trust me the cricket administrators, at least those with the big bucks, do not even have a clue as to how to go about doing it.
And because they do not now how to get people to watch the game these silly goons are going to keep tinkering with the game tiil it is not cricket anyway so how does it matter anyway ?