The following is a confusing Rant.
I am peeved with Hawthorne I think it is - who are sponsoring an Aussie Rules promotion amongst NZ youngsters in the lower north island.
1) I can't stand aussie rules
2) leave our young talent alone and concentrate on converting sydney and other parts of Aussie to Aussie rules.
3) NZ dominates the world in one sport. Rugby. If we start getting distracted by Aussie rules and sending young athletes into that sport we are going to lose our competitiveness over time. I realise in reality that we only lose 4 or 5 quality athletes to another code. But I would rather not lose any.
4) Aussie rules people are allowed to love their game - but spread the gospel elsewhere not in my backyard. Seriously get the other states in Aussie to stop playing league and rugby. Spend your ill gotten gains there instead and convert them.
5) This year they have had 1300 NZ youngsters through their program. Schools should ban their program from coming into their schools. If I was a principal I would have no issue telling them to go home to Melbourne.
6) If I can be bothered I may either start an anti aussie rules face book page. Or if I get really bored I will write a letter to the NZRFU and have them use their influence with schools to put an end to this nonsense.