True story: the elder brother of a mate of mine is a copper (black sheep of the family, etc) and was transferred to the traffic division. As part of his training he had to pass an advanced driving test on a disused airfield where they can practice all sorts of stuff that'd be downright dangerous on a public road.But Got Spin, you keep on saying "so you can't have A beer" or "so one too many SIPS of LIGHT beer" (my emphasis added). The legal limit in most states of Australia is 0.05%, which was arrived at as a reasonable compromise between when a measurable effect could be demonstrated and allowing people to have one drink. There's no way ONE beer, or a few sips of light beer will get you over .05. If you're planning to have more than one glass of wine with dinner, or one beer after work, don't drive - it's a remarkably simple idea.
To show how alcohol affects driving he and the others on the course we given 4 pints of lager to drink fairly quickly and then sent back to go round a course of cones. Obviously all did significantly worse, but the interesting thing was the breathalyser test they were given afterwards. Despite having had what most people would think an unsafe amount, all passed the test. IIRC my mate's bro blew something like .23 when our limit is .35. The police apparently give all traffic cops this demo to show that the "I only had a couple of glasses of wine with lunch" type excuses are invariably bollox.
In the UK at least you have to be pretty far gone to fail a test so it's hard to have sympathy with those who do.