So, like I said I hadn't been 100% with this as I've been rather busy during the week, but was emailed by Pratters and he messaged me a few times on Gtalk and he continued saying someone had used his account to send or change a PM to Sir Alex about being Precambrian.
He sent me the same email as Jono, which said the PM was changed to "What I have against you is that you're Precam, **."
Yet I just looked at the supposed changed PM and it says "I have nothing against you.", which (according to Pratters) was the message he originally posted.
Sorry to drag this on but
wtf? Was it changed or not? Has Pratters changed it back since being banned?
Edit: link to the PM page
Cricket Web
Edit 2: would just like to acknowledge the posts re: being banned yet having someone posting on behalf of that person. Also understand that this Public Message thing was not the reason why Pratters got banned. He seems rather a bit worked up over it though, swearing that it wasn't him and FWIW I've never, ever thought of Pratters as a dishonest person. He's been weird these past few months and he definitely needs a break from CW, but this seems all too bizarre and as weird as he's been I don't think he has done this.
Edit 3: Echo the sentiments that he was also picked on as well. Ugly business all round.