I just hate the whole attitude. If you don't like what football has become, do what Goughy did and stop watching and following it. I don't particularly like what Gaelic football has become. It's become very cynical and defensive and has a shocking amount of gamesmanship considering it's an entirely amateur sport. So I don't watch it anymore.
Some people instead respond by watching loads of it anyway so they can complain about it, and lurking around football forums moaning incessantly about how good it used to be and how bad it is now. It's like, give it a break, yeah? We've heard it all before, and the footballing times that fill you with teary-eyed nostalgia had plenty of old farts moaning about how it ain't what it used to be around too.
I'm not talking to you, by the way, I'm using "you" in a general sense. Just to clear that up