International Debutant
Well, BCCI did say that they are ready to get the players tested during Ranji matches, fitness camps, pre-season camps, etc... and also suggested that if the BCCI is requested to make sure such and such person is available within the next 24 hrs it would do so. BCCI is on record saying we are for drug tests.Its a tough one TC.
Of course one understands the security concerns. Ditto with privacy. On the other hand the concerns about doping are valid too. I think if both sides understood this much a via media can be found which is what should have been the aim from the very beginning.
I think where BCCI and some of the cricketers went wrong was to talk only of their own issues without uttering the simple "of course we are concerned about the doping issue and we would like to find a way out". At least one official (Shukls-Vice President) and a couple of cricketers went on record to say words to the effect, "When we are submitting to Tests during the events why should WADA insist on off-season testing also. This is harassment blah blah blah"
Surely that attitude smacks of ignorance at the minimum and arrogance to many considering the issues between BCCI and ICC in recent times.
I have my sympathies with the players on both issues of security and privacy but I have none for players going to answer media on their own as if it was a one to one between Zahher (or Harbhajan/Yuvraj) and WADA. There is BCCI and their is ICC. The players have to give their feedback and voice their concerns, individually or colectively, inside the four walls of the BCCI. The BCCI officials too need to be more diplomatic and keep the dialogue with ICC rather than rush to the media everytime something comes up because then it is 'summer time' for the media. The Indian media goes to town painting ICC and WADA with a black brush and the world media does the same to BCCI and the Indian cricketers.
This is immature and irresponsible at the least.
Regarding the players, they have all mentioned in their interviews that BCCI will take care of the issue and they have faith in the BCCI. Stopping them from having a word when everyone from A to Z is taking pot-shots at them is not reasonable.
Also the Indian media (print atleast) went about lampooning BCCI and the players. The Hindu wrote an editorial condemning it and many other newspapers followed suit. What has been immature is the immediate anti-BCCI stand taken almost unanimously without looking into the issue at hand.