First Class Debutant
100000000000000000000000000000% agreedIf Pakistan are going to tank this, and quite frankly it seems blatantly obvious to me they are, they should at least try to make it look like they're having a go. That's disgraceful stuff. Almost feel sorry for the commentators having to try and keep straight faces as they note how well we bowled in keeping the run rate down.
If they're going to do this, they'd be better off having a massive mow across the line and getting bowled out in 35 overs, rather than nick and nudge their way around like that.
Mind you, if we come out and can't get the ball off the square either, I will take it all back
In fact, I'd like to see our blokes contrive a tie, so even if India win they miss out by a solitary point (if I've got the tables right).
shameful & shameless
i guess they will lose semi finals too