Yeah the US cricket viewing population is tiny, very few expats take the time or go to the trouble of viewing or even following cricket.
Last year the IPL caused me few worries regarding test cricket, and even now I find the IPL even less intimidating because I've realised that even in India such a business is unsustainable on it's present scale, people will get sick of it sooner than later. However what's really worrying me is the attitude of players such as Gayle and Tait who can't really be bothered with test cricket, it's too hard a game for them when they can get a massive payday for a fraction of the work in T20. The fact of the matter is that T20 will become a passing fad, because it is not the whole of the game, it is a tiny section of the game, and any kid who's ever picked up a bat and ball will know that. However the ICC seems too incompetent to preserve test cricket, night tests are frankly a stupid idea. "All" they need to do is stop Bangladesh playing tests, somehow force more sporting pitches the world over and get serious about over rates. Also the referral system is a joke, all it does is create bad blood between players and really undermine an umpires authority on the field. Wouldn't it just be easier to give the umpires the power to radio their buddies upstairs and ask for a second opinon?
Ah if only I was in charge....things would be different *imagines ranks of civilians being forcemarched into stadiums to watch first class cricket by duckfooting soldiers, mandatory polite applause after every 4, richy benaud quotes being blasted from loudspeakers in all public places for an hour every day*