Yeah, I've watched the whites against Millwall a few times, both back in div 1 as it was then called, and in this league, and also in the FA Cup. Only been to their place once, but there was no bother, and most of the time when they've come up to PP they've been fine, at one point leaving me to believe that I had missed the worst days of Millwall hooliganism (was born in 84). Then one night in 2006, they were playing at our place on a Friday night (whoever decided that was a good idea needs to be put down, maybe Merseyside Police should spend more time thinking about things like that!), I was chatting with a couple of their fans, they were good blokes. Then all of a sudden I heard a shout of "we're Millwall mate" and there was glass flying everywhere. By all accounts some braindead fan of ours had goaded them, but watching them take our boozer apart gave me an idea as to what it is they must have been like, back in the 80s.