I think he may have had commitments. I am wondering how Ragheb Aga has for no particular reason disappeared from the radar.
Anyway tourney starts in a week and this thread has not been stickied
Yeah Waters is touring with Surrey in the UAE, but should join the squad this week apparently.
I really have no idea what the Kenyan selection policy is, but with tournements this big, they should be going out of their way to put their very best team on the paddock. All the other associates go out of the way to get their players from abroad to represent them in these big tournements.
I think Kenya should be going out of their way to get players such as Tanmay Mishra, Ragheb Aga, Mohammed Sheikh even Abeed Janmohamed to represent them in these tournements.
Also, whatever happened to Alpesh Vadher? He had a fairly decent ODI record.
Also Andruid, do you know what happened to Jared Odhiambo and Timothy Muange?
And also, from the Sahara Leagues, would any of these players be deserved of a place in the squad
James Ngoche, Ken Migai, Shem Obado, Ramesh Mepani, Harish Vekaria, Kush Parmar, Ababu, Maina, A Bhudia, Maina?
I havent been able to track down any info on warm up matches for Kenya. Oh, and your thoughts on Kenya's new administration?
EDIT: On further research, I think Vadher has retired.
P.S I wonder if Jamie Dalrymple would ever consider playing for Kenya in the latter part of his career?