I think under different circumstances this would be classed as being blown right out of proportion, had it been someone other than Symonds, and had it been a little further down the road from his recent misdemeanours.
I'm thinking he's done pretty much nothing wrong in the actual incident, he's being hassled, this guys lost it, end of, not much Symonds could have done. However, the very fact he has put himself in this position begs the question how seriously is he taking his career ? Yes, fellow players were out with him, but they're not treading a tightrope and just admitted to drink problems.
Symonds seems to be the kind of guy that thinks people should just accept him the way he is and he has no reason to change. Well I'm sure it wouldn't have hurt him to just keep his head down for a while, stay out of the news till it all dies down a little. I'm sure he thought he was doing nothing wrong, but there are plenty of idiots out there that will make things difficult for people.