Hall of Fame Member
I think the reasons are well known to everyone who is willing to remove the "he-is-a-rascist-PERIOD" blinker from his eyes.Indians never had a problem with him and I think we are the same as Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
He is not racist... But he did seem to have genuine problems officiating in games involving Pak and Lanka, for reasons best known to the parties alone.
Hair is one of those umpires (wish there number was more) who will call a bowler for chucking if he finds the action doubtful and some teams have an issue with that. Since they cant talk about the actions of their bowlers, since legitimised by ICC, its easier to paint him in a dirty-racist-hue.
His other 'problem' is that he does take his job too 'seriously' and does think HE and his fellow umpire are the final arbiters of the game they are officiating in. His 'problem' is that the player-power and numbers-strength era seems to have been completely missed by him. He does not understand that not only he, but even the 'bosses' sitting in ICC are helpless before the new power centers in the game.
I do not know Mr Darryl Hair so I also do not know if he is a racist or not but I don't think he can be dubbed a racist because of anything he has done on the cricket field as an official.