The tone of some of the posters suggested an overwhelming "defending the egg throwers phenomenon" hidden and wrapped under some corporate bull **** !
I have already said that in another post that no matter how many medical tests Murali will undergo ,His image will remain as a chuker in some minds . It's not about the medical science or logic or sense. Thats what one should be expecting because humans are not the same . And these few dirty eggs don't represent the face of the society as a whole .
I have no problem with this egg throwing incident because thats what I expect from people coming from some 2 $ 30 cents worth families . They all are not like each other and there are some who might be interested in cricket and some who might be able to write trash in defense of those egg throwers on the forums and there will be some who will get over it and will sit back and enjoy the game .
haha! you rule