Hall of Fame Member
FC Division One
FC Division Two
OD Division One
OD Division Two
Twenty20 League
CW Cup - Fixtures TBC
The plan is to start the season in two weeks time with first round of FC matches. I will put up the team threads tonight, just so managers have a bit longer to submitt teams in case they are on holidays themselves. I will be going away from the 3rd to 8th of Feburary but I should be back if I have to sim matches, but if there is delay during that period thats why.
I will be simming FC matches again this season, but I am looking for two simmers to sim OD and Twenty20. Twenty20 is basically going to replace the old 2nd XI competition. With the old format we had too many databases floating around with 2nd XI and things got a bit complicated with large squads. Basically Twenty20 is designed for the board to assess which managers outside the 1st XI group are keen enough to become 1st XI managers. Basically the more active you are the more chance you have. Also by allowing them to manager Twenty20 they get to play with the top players in the game.
As you might notice there is only 11 rounds, compared to 10 each for OD and FC. With OD and FC in respecitve weeks, that mean Twenty20 may finish 9 weeks sooner. If there is a lot of interest then I may either continue that comp for another 11 weeks or have a Twenty20 Cup. I will decide on that later.
With the main Cup competition no dates have been set or format decided. I just want to start everything off before I organise the format of the cup. There will be a cup this season though.
Lastly as requested the matches will be emailed to managers instead of announced on the fourm. Later in the week I will post a list of email, which I need all managers to confirm in case I made any mistakes.
I think thats it any questions feel free to ask.
FC Division One
FC Division Two
OD Division One
OD Division Two
Twenty20 League
CW Cup - Fixtures TBC
The plan is to start the season in two weeks time with first round of FC matches. I will put up the team threads tonight, just so managers have a bit longer to submitt teams in case they are on holidays themselves. I will be going away from the 3rd to 8th of Feburary but I should be back if I have to sim matches, but if there is delay during that period thats why.
I will be simming FC matches again this season, but I am looking for two simmers to sim OD and Twenty20. Twenty20 is basically going to replace the old 2nd XI competition. With the old format we had too many databases floating around with 2nd XI and things got a bit complicated with large squads. Basically Twenty20 is designed for the board to assess which managers outside the 1st XI group are keen enough to become 1st XI managers. Basically the more active you are the more chance you have. Also by allowing them to manager Twenty20 they get to play with the top players in the game.
As you might notice there is only 11 rounds, compared to 10 each for OD and FC. With OD and FC in respecitve weeks, that mean Twenty20 may finish 9 weeks sooner. If there is a lot of interest then I may either continue that comp for another 11 weeks or have a Twenty20 Cup. I will decide on that later.
With the main Cup competition no dates have been set or format decided. I just want to start everything off before I organise the format of the cup. There will be a cup this season though.
Lastly as requested the matches will be emailed to managers instead of announced on the fourm. Later in the week I will post a list of email, which I need all managers to confirm in case I made any mistakes.
I think thats it any questions feel free to ask.