Honestly honestbharani, would you have made this same post if the individuals in question showed their hate for another team, other than india?
Let me try to answer that from my perspective.
I would be very disappointed , as I am strongly against the very sentiment of 'hating' since it invariably speaks negatively of the person who hates.
However, you are right the feeling would be different. It is natural isn't it. No one likes to be hated, Indians, Pakistani's Americans, whoever.
Its particularly galling in the case of India and Pakistan. We have had a very disturbing past. However the genertaion that existed at the time of partition (my parents) is almost gone. Their progeny , like me, have heard all kinds of negative things about our neighbours but most have learnt as they grew up that there were two sides to all those stories.
The next generation, my children who are older than most people on this forum, have no baggage whatsoever. My younger son is unmarried. If he wants to marry a Muslim girl from Pakistran or anywhere else in the world, me and my wife wouldnt bat an eye lid. Thats how far things have come from not eating in the same house of fifty years ago !!
So in thse times of great and very welcome change, a youngster, I repeat youngster, with such feelings is very disturbing to everyone. The youngster may be an Indian or a Pakistani. Its equally disturbing. It makes people of my generation even feel a bit guilty that maybe we havent done a good enough job at excorcising the ghosts of the pasts from the lives of our children and thats not a very good feeling to confront.