The issues are getting muddied. Let me try to clarify.
Lillee was a great bowler. There are very few who will not concede that. Those that dont will be a small minority think he was a great bowler will not change their opinion by any amount of discussion. So debating with them is pointless.
Lillee was the greatest of all time : He has as good a claim to that as any other bowler t that title unless we include Barnes in the equation. However, there is no way this can be claimed with certainity about any bowler (or batsman for that matter had we not been badgered by Bradman's 99.9

). There are many who claim he was but there are many who claim some other boler was. I am talking of people whose opinions count for something, at least more than all of us here. So we can at best say, its a matter of personal opinion, no more no less. Again debating firther - pointless.
He was one amongst top 10 of all time Very few will debate that too. Honestly, I doubt if any cricket writer or great player of the past was asked to make a list of ten top fast bowlers of all time, would leave him out. The very vast majority would not. So this is also acceptable. Some may still disagree but that cant be avoided I suppose.
So ...
- its okay to say he was a great bowler and almost everyone will agree
- its okay to say he is one of the greatest and most would agree
- you can argue that he was the greatest ever but it would be difficult to find objective criteria to support the argument
- its also okay to say he was not the greatest because of what is said above
- its debatable to say he was not even one of the 10 greatest of all time but some may hold that view mainly because they would be looking more favourably at those closer to their own time
to say that Lillee was good, bad, indiffernt or whatever because of one tour of Pakistan is laughable and can be smashed to bits by all kinds of arguments if one cares to