"It's ok for spectators to yell out whatever they want, whenever they want and however they want no matter how insulting, disparaging or personal (AND OBVIOUSLY FALSE) the allegation may be...... The sportsmen should not even say a word abt it and just get on with it, says McGill...... And sideshowtim seems to agree......
The spectators owe decent behaviour towards sportsmen and if ppl can't see that, the problem is with them, not anyone else. Heck, people owe decent behaviour in public just because of the fact that they are human beings. It is called being civil and doing acceptable things in public. Otherwise, we will all be barbarians..."
Heh. "Barbarians". Someone's being a little bit over-dramatic, I would suggest...
"Leaving that aside, when the hell has Warne been called a cheat..."
By a hell of a lot of people. After the "John the Bookie" thing and the diuretic ban, for starters. I've seen people on this very board flatly accuse him of being a match-fixer and a steroid user, using those incidents as "proof". Are they barbarians too?
Come to think of it, judging by the joy you seem to get sliding in a few little digs at Warne's expense in this thread, maybe I should spend a little time looking through some past posts? You wouldn't have made such a false, baseless, "barbaric" claim in one of the ridiculously numerous Warne-Murali threads, would you?
Wouldn't it be funny if our holier-than-thou emperor here was actually butt-arsed naked?
"And abt the RSA thing, it was a one off w.r.t Gilchrist and the man said he was in tears because they were talking abt his wife and his friend Slater in that manner. Again, easy to be cool in a one-off. Quite another to have taken it for so many years inspite having proven himself without a shadow of a doubt that he is not doing what he is alleged to be doing"
So, "your wife is a wh..e and your child is a b..tard" is nothing compared to " you don't hurl a little ball in the way that the rules to a game say you should".
Really? You REALLY want to argue THAT point?
"I don't know in which world you live in because from what I have seen, Warne has never EVER taken anything remotely close to what Murali gets"
Now, going by the previous point, I would suggest that maybe you shouldn't be intimating that others are off the planet. You know, glass houses and all that?
Warne has been targeted by more invasive media attention than any other cricketer in history by a fair margin. Whether that is more or less than the guff that Murali has taken at the hands of a few stadia worth of cricket crowds and a dozen or so former players is debatable. It is certainly in the same ballpark.
"maybe he was booed in Sri Lanka"
Those BARBARIANS! Don't they know that they should be treating him with decency? They OWE him that. Can't someone PLEASE just think of the CHILDREN!
(Sorry- got a little carried away there...)
"Just watch the crowd reaction in Chennai when he broke the world record.... I wonder if we will get anything similar in Australia."
I would bet the farm that he would. Not a doubt in my mind. I'm sure you'll disagree. You'll be hideously wrong, but that doesn't seem to phase you a great deal.
"tolerance varies from person to person and from culture to culture. So does the line between what is acceptable and what isn't. And it is not his fault that the Aussie spectators can't realize how sensitive an issue it is to a guy of that background and from that place.... He never instigated anything and he never said anything inflammatory in the first place. The Aussie crowds started it and they should be the ones to shut up."
The "Aussie crowd" spend their hard earned money to finance the spectacle in front of them. They can cheer or boo whomever they please- the same as EVERY other crowd in the world. I have been watching cricket (as well as other professional sports) for 25 years now, and I haven't seen a team in the world that doesn't have to deal with hostile crowds at away games. Not one.
More to the point, there isn't a crowd in the world that doesn't save special treatment for certain opposition players when they visit. It is part of the spectacle of professional representative sports, and it happens everywhere. It is also entirely valid.
Funnily enough, the players that tend to get a special roast from the opposition crowd are often the players that the crowd most respects. Just like Botham in Australia, Warne in the UK etc.
As for what the "Aussie crowd should realise"- when in Rome...
"And of course, just because Warne doesn't take it seriously doesn't mean Murali shouldn't too."
Murali can deal with it however he sees fit.
If Murali is as distraught about the heckling he has received as some here are (and, frankly, I don't for one second think he expends as much time, energy and angst over this as some of the diehards here do, but that's a different story) then I would suggest he should find solace in the fact that the man who is universally liked, respected and admired has yet to be born.
A fact of life is that some won't admire you, no matter what you do. If that makes you somehow feel less worthy, then I would suggest that the issue is with you, rather than them.
"it doesn't take away from the fact that what the crowds are saying are mean, vitriolic, malice-intended and basically inflammatory"
Mean? Maybe. Boo hoo.
Vitriolic and malice-intended? Please...
Watch ANY instance of the crowd doing the "no-ball" schtick when Murali is bowling. You will see infinitely more smiling faces in the crowd than snarling. Whether you accept it or not, the crowd is giving Murali a roast- no more, no less.
"esp. because it is not true..... At least, not true in the sense that every other bowler is chucking too and yet he is being singled out for the taunts... And his whole place in the game and his value are being questioned."
There's that dramatic hyperbole again...
"It is obvious these things are viewed in a different way here in the subcontinent and Murali is not bound to take all these lying down. He can react as he sees fit and that is the end of that."
Yep. And others can make whatever comment about whether they agree with the way he handles the issue or not. And that is the end of that.
"The problem is with CA and their admins if they can't cut down these chants which are obviously false and which is hurting Murali emotionally."
Heh. "Hurting him emotionally". You should write for daytime soaps.
They haven't cut down on these chant because, just like EVERY other crowd in the world, they can make whatever comment on the game that they wish. When they slap their money down for a ticket, they buy that right, like it or not. More to the point, the performers on the field (that includes the umpires, by the way) SELL that right to the paying public.
"I don't know why England couldn't control the idiots who cried out stuff at Warney"
See above. There is absolutely no need to control them. Their actions are entirely valid.
"At the end of the day, ppl can only put up with so much. It is upto the authorities to make sure that the line is not crossed by the spectators when the players are trying to do their best to entertain them... Players are obligated to spectators sure, but they aren't obligated to take nonsense like this and turn the other cheek..."
Yes, they are. They are there to play cricket and the crowd is there to respond to what happens on the field. If Murali doesn't want to play in Australia because of it, that would be a crying shame, but is his choice. Once he takes his cut of the ticket price, he has to deal with whatever the response to his actions might be. That's how he earns his living.
If things get racial, then he has a point. Being taunted by the crowd for his action doesn't even go close.
"It is the stupidest argument I have ever heard, tbh..."
Oh- I've heard a stupider one. There was this one guy who said that having a whole crowd of people questioning the virtue of your wife and the legitimacy of your child was "easy to be cool" about.
Pretty stupid, eh?
"taunting is not the same as insulting, abusing and basically passing lies as facts.... baiting ppl is not on... not on CW and not in the real world..."
Ummm. Taunting IS baiting. They are the exact same thing. You make a disparaging comment in order to elicit a response. Both are perfectly acceptable.
"nah... as I said, what is acceptable and what isn't differs from person to person and the only way to solve this is to set down some common minimum guidelines"
They already have. Racial abuse is out, pretty much everything else is in.
"I am sure that the whole "chucker, no ball" chant thing will be on the wrong side of the line and as such, no reason why Murali should put up with that nonsense..."
If you think that ANY governing body is going to (or, for that matter, should) ban "no-ball" chants, you are deluded.
"I think it is ridiculous that u think it is ridiculous. It is an inflammatory comment and inflammatory comments have no place in spectator sports. End of story."
And I think it's ridiculous that you think it's ridiculous that he thinks ridiculous. So there.
Inflammatory comments from the crowd have been a part of professional sports for as long as they have existed, from every country at every level. Deal with it.
Sportsmen get to make a phenomenal living from playing a game that they enjoy. They make that living because people want to watch what they do, and react and comment according to what they feel. Part of being a professional is dealing with those reactions. To condemn MacGill for making that very point is beyond asinine.