The point about Lillee rating Bing Lee so highly is that testimonies from those who are in many ways experts are not always reliable.
Richard Hadlee, good an analyst as he is, had a hero in Lillee, modelled himself on him and looked-up to him hugely. This, IMO, is bound to influence how he rates him, especially in comparison to himself.
Ian Chappell and Lillee had much in common, and Lillee, undoubtedly, would have run through a brick wall for Chappell. For this reason, Chappell is bound to love him to bits. He retired, meanwhile, a full 5 years before Marshall's first real foray in 1980.
As for Lillee on Lee, there's always been something big between them. Lee has seeked-out Lillee for many solutions to problems. Lillee has done all he can to help Lee, and has had some impact beyond doubt. Lee has been a faithful pupil - Lillee is bound to love that. But for that to mean he rates him above the aforementioned? Can only put it down to personal emotional response, rather than rational assessment of credentials.
The same applies to many, many people's assessment of Lillee, and countless other players (including, for instance, Trumper, Mailey, Sobers, IVA Richards, Warne and Murali). I'm absolutely convinced that had I watched Lillee's career (and many others) I'd be of the exact same mindset I am now. We are who we are, and there were people who rated people using the credentials I use. Perhaps, and only perhaps, people like me and Manan (ss) have become slightly more common as the years have rolled by.