Well... that was kinda what I just said, no? The stuff dug-up in this thread has tended to be deliberately ridiculous, and sometimes to make genuine beliefs look stupid when they aren't.
Kev's comment at the top of this page (given 40ppp) is one such example.
My comment you refer to in this thread was sarcastic and this thread was a just medium for me to express my frustrations with your stance and the way you defended it in the Hayden vs Hussain thread (ie repetition of the same points as shown by your 148 posts in the thread and the inability to move on from a subject).
Separate from the above comment, I actually think this topic shows a lot of creativity and imagination. One of the better threads I have seen as it is involves flair, a sense of fun, is very creative and challenges the poster.
Also it is refreshing compared to the thousands of similar and rehashed topics that populate cricket chat.
God forbid 1 topic that actually requires vision and imagination exists.
As already stated, a tongue in cheek thread like this is more interesting than wacky thoughts on cricket as both are different but one doesnt take itself with much seriousness.
Richard, you are a person that some people think is unfairly and overly criticised (which I dont agree with as I think the volume you post and the 'unusualness' of some opinions voiced is bound to bring a certain level of disagreement) so I find it strange that you decide to come out and randomly have a go at a well supported and interesting thread.
If everyone acted in the same way then virtually every thread would descend into arguments and defending their existence. Most of the threads on CC are not to my interest or liking but that doesn't mean I (or any one else) go into them and state what I (they) think of them.