I think Miller got a bit defensive, but I don't necessarily agree with Kesavan's points. While it is true that cricket found its nose for money under Dalmiya, I still don't want to see an Indian in charge.
Now, by that I do not mean any Indian, but the ones in charge of the BCCI. There are lots of altruistic Indians who would do things only in the interests of the game (guys like Wadekar, etc) but if anyone from India ascends to the Presidency, it will be a political figure from the BCCI. And unless the BCCI improves their performance significantly under their leadership, I just don't see any reason to think they'll do any good for the game.
By the way, where is the website, the full time CEO, full transparency (LOL) that you promised?
Also, what exactly is the purpose of eighteen working committees that you've established, and exactly how much are the members getting paid to work in these committees? If they can't sort their own house in order, they have no business running the game of cricket. The fact that they managed to rise in the corrupt and heavily regionalized system of Indian domestic cricket pretty much guarantees that they are career politicians who will sacrifice the interests of the game for political gain (There is no cricketing reason why Kolkata, the best venue in India stopped recieving matches. They stopped because Dalmiya is from that region, and the new regime wanted to punish the supporters.)
It is utterly disgusting and pathetic how they do business, and I have absolutely no faith in anyone who rises to the top of that system. That is not to say Morgan is better, for I have no knowledge of his capabilities. But unless he is the next incarnation of Joe Stalin and no one has told me about it, I fail to see how he can be worse.