He has my utmost respect as a bloke..
It took me a while to realize how bad this lifestyle really is, when you get on a night flight that takes you further away from people who constantly remind you how much they love you. When you get something like two weeks with them, it's just enough time to make you realize what you no longer have when you get on that plane, empty flights being the worst.. You're whole life screwed up in a suitcase when you get to the other end in a blank room.. I thought about Tres somewhere over Africa last night.
I reckon it took more balls for him to face up to his problems while all and sundry (me included) had a go at him for his "weakness" , but after all, he wasn't running away, he was running back..
It took me a while to realize how bad this lifestyle really is, when you get on a night flight that takes you further away from people who constantly remind you how much they love you. When you get something like two weeks with them, it's just enough time to make you realize what you no longer have when you get on that plane, empty flights being the worst.. You're whole life screwed up in a suitcase when you get to the other end in a blank room.. I thought about Tres somewhere over Africa last night.
I reckon it took more balls for him to face up to his problems while all and sundry (me included) had a go at him for his "weakness" , but after all, he wasn't running away, he was running back..