News Archive - Jul 2007

Below is a list of all the news updates from Cricket Web Fantasy Cricket for this particular month.

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England v India - 4th InningsThe points have been updated following the 4th Innings of the 2nd Test between England and India.31 July 2007
England v India - 3rd InningsThe points have been updated following the 3rd Innings of the 2nd Test between England and India.31 July 2007
England v India - 2nd InningsThe points have been updated following the 2nd Innings of the 2nd Test between England and India.30 July 2007
England v India - 1st InningsThe points have been updated following the 1st Innings of the 2nd Test between England and India.30 July 2007
ODI SL v Bang WinnerWith the final match of the ODI Sri Lanka in Bangladesh having been played we have a winner in the competition.25 July 2007
Sri Lanka v Bang - 3rd ODIThe points have been updated following the 3rd ODI between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.25 July 2007
England v India - 4th InningsThe points have been updated following the 4th Innings of the 1st Test between England and India.23 July 2007
England v India - 3rd InningsThe points have been updated following the 3rd Innings of the 1st Test between England and India.23 July 2007
England v India - 2nd InningsThe points have been updated following the 2nd Innings of the 1st Test between England and India.23 July 2007
Sri Lanka v Bang - 2nd ODIThe points have been updated following the 1st ODI between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.23 July 2007
England v India - 1st InningsThe points have been updated following the 1st Innings of the 1st Test between England and India.21 July 2007
Sri Lanka v Bang - 1st ODIThe points have been updated following the 1st ODI between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.20 July 2007
Quad Series in Ireland WinnerWith the final match of the Quadrangular Series in Ireland having been played we have a winner in the competition.15 July 2007
Ireland v Scotland - 6th ODIThe points have been updated following the ODI between Ireland and Scotland.15 July 2007
Ireland v West Indies - 5th ODIThe points have been updated following the ODI between Ireland and the West Indies.14 July 2007
Sri Lanka v Bang Test WinnerWith the final match of the Sri Lanka v Bangladesh Test series having been played we have a winner in the competition.14 July 2007
Sri Lanka v Bang - 3rd InningsThe points have been updated following the 3rd Innings of the 3rd Test between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.14 July 2007
Sri Lanka v Bang - 2nd InningsThe points have been updated following the 2nd Innings of the 3rd Test between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.14 July 2007
Scotland v Netherlands - 4th ODIThe points have been updated following the ODI between Scotland & the Netherlands.13 July 2007
Scotland v West Indies - 3rd ODIThe points have been updated following the ODI between Scotland & the West Indies. 12 July 2007
Sri Lanka v Bang - 1st InningsThe points have been updated following the 1st Innings of the 3rd Test between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.12 July 2007
Netherlands v Ireland - 2nd ODIThe points have been updated following the 2nd ODI between The Netherlands and Ireland.12 July 2007
Netherlands v WI - 1st ODIThe points have been updated following the 1st ODI between The Netherlands and The West Indies.10 July 2007
Final Standings AdmendmentFinal Standings Admendment09 July 2007
UK & North American Tour WinnerWinner Announced07 July 2007
England v West Indies - 3rd ODIEngland v West Indies - 3rd ODI07 July 2007
Sri Lanka v Bang - 3rd InningsThe points have been updated following the 3rd Innings of the 2nd Test between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.05 July 2007
Canada v Netherlands - 2nd ODIMatch abandoned without a ball bowled04 July 2007
England v West Indies - 2nd ODIThe points have been updated following the 2nd ODI between England v West Indies.04 July 2007
Sri Lanka v Bang - 2nd InningsThe points have been updated following the 2nd Innings of the 2nd Test between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.04 July 2007
Canada v Netherlands - 1st ODIThe points have been updated following the 1st ODI between Canada & the Netherlands. 03 July 2007
India v PakistanMatch abandoned without a ball bowled03 July 2007
Sri Lanka v Bang - 1st InningsThe points have been updated following the 1st Innings of the 2nd Test between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.03 July 2007
South Africa v India - 3rd ODIThe points have been updated following the 3rd ODI between South Africa and India.01 July 2007
England v WIndies - 1st ODIThe points have been updated following the 1st ODI between England and the West Indies.01 July 2007
Scotland v PakistanMatch abandoned without a ball bowled 01 July 2007
England v India Test SeriesThe competition for the England v India Test series has been created allowing eight modifications with a captaincy change costing two.01 July 2007