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Why Loot boxes are More Dishonest than Gambling. Dealing with Odds96

The use of Loot boxes  in video games has sparked heated debates about their ethical implications, especially when it comes to their similarity to gambling. However, modern developers are increasingly incorporating gambling mechanics into their games. Together with Odds96, we take a closer look at what Loot boxes  are, why they are the subject of controversy, and what ethical considerations are involved in the use of gambling mechanics in video games.

What are Loot Boxes 

First of all, let’s define what Loot boxes  are. Loot boxes  are virtual containers that players can purchase in video games using real money or in-game currency, which is also purchased with money. In-game containers contain random items and rewards that can range from cosmetic improvements for characters to powerful in-game weapons or abilities that give an advantage in the game. That is, the player pays money in the hope of getting the best item, but it doesn’t always fall out.

What’s the Problem with Loot Boxes in Video Games

The controversy surrounding Loot boxes  arises because of their similarities to gambling. In traditional gambling Odds96 casino players put money on the line for a chance to win, usually even more money. The outcome is largely determined by chance, depending on the nature of the game. Similarly, by buying Loot boxes , players are essentially gambling to see what items they will receive. The randomised nature of Loot boxes  has raised concerns that they may encourage addictive behaviour, especially in younger players who may not fully understand all the risks associated with them.

One of the main ethical concerns about Loot boxes  is that they can exploit vulnerable players, especially children and adolescents. Many video games with Loot boxes  are popular among young people, who may be more susceptible to the lure of such random rewards. Underage gamers do not earn their own rewards and see Loot boxes  as nothing more than a normal purchase. In this case, they are buying a “cat in the bag”, because they never know what exactly they will get.

 Some studies point to a link between spending on Loot boxes  and problem gambling behaviour, leading to calls for increased regulation and oversight.

In response to these concerns, some countries have taken measures to regulate the use of Loot boxes  in video games. For example, Belgium and the Netherlands have classified certain types of Loot boxes  as gambling and banned their sale to minors. Other countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, have called for greater transparency and regulation of the mechanics of Loot boxes  to protect consumers. In China, a complete ban on games using Loot boxes  is being discussed at the legislative level.

If you compare Loot boxes  and gambling, the latter is much more honest with players. Odds96 login users are constantly warned to play responsibly. Moreover, the players of the site have self-control tools that are not available in video games:

  • Setting a limit on time and finances;
  • The possibility of self-exclusion for a definite or indefinite period of time;
  • The ability to write to a gambling addiction helpline.

If a player is not playing in a casino or betting on Odds 96, they will not be reminded of this opportunity. Whereas in video games, the lootbox shop is always placed on the homepage. In addition to this, players receive notifications when new sales start, they also see purchases from other players. All of this incentivises the purchase of a new container to keep up with peers.

Opinion of Supporters and Critics

Despite these efforts, the debate over the ethics of Loot boxes  in video games continues. Proponents argue that Loot boxes  are a legitimate and enjoyable aspect of gaming culture, providing players with excitement and variety. They also point out that Loot boxes  are optional and that players are not required to buy them to enjoy the game.

However, critics argue that Loot boxes  exploit psychological vulnerabilities and can lead to harmful behaviours such as overspending and addiction. They argue that more needs to be done to protect players, especially young people, from the potential harms of Loot boxes .

In our joint Odds96 review on this problem can be seen that Loot boxes  differ from gambling operators in the very approach to make money. If the operators on the player’s winnings lose their finances, then selling Loot boxes  developers do not lose anything initially, but only gain additional benefits.

Gamers themselves say that if at the dawn of the introduction of Loot boxes  they were purely optional, now games are initially developed for their implementation. It is no longer enough for game developers to simply release and sell a good game. At the stage of development is already laid monetisation strategy, a large part of which are Loot boxes .


It’s safe to say that at the root of Loot boxes  are the gambling mechanics used by operators like Odds96. That said, the ethics of Loot boxes  in video games are complex and multifaceted. Some argue that they are a harmless form of entertainment, while others believe they pose a significant risk to players, especially vulnerable groups. As the debate continues, it will be important for regulators, game developers and players to work together to find solutions that prioritise player welfare while maintaining the integrity of the gaming experience. 

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