Amazing Cricket

Amazing Cricket

Amazing Cricket is a cricket simulation game of its own kind. It may not be full of unique features but it certainly makes sure that you’ll get complete entertainment out of it. This is the first cricket game developed by me with a little inspiration from other cricket games. I am very much sure that you’ll like my work. I have tried my level best to make this game as exciting as possible so that you sit glued to your computer monitor. The interface in is brilliant and you can control the batting and bowling strategies. You can select the teams, the ground etc. You have the option of either playing manually or automatically. Manual play gives you more control over your strategies while the auto play saves time. This game doesn’t contain any form of graphics and that’s why those of you looking for arcade games may be disappointed. I feel sorry for that but I assure you that this game is by no means any less entertaining than the arcade ones.

New to Version 2003 – Implemented the XP visual styles for the Windows XP community. Done some more optimizations and a few changes were made to get the game working more realistically. Noticeable among these are the improved artificial intelligence, improved team behavior and a single player mode. Some of the suggestions made by the users of previous version were also taken into account.


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