Martin Chandler - ARTICLES


The Biggest Hitter?


Big hitting is the great thrill of cricket’s shorter formats, so who is the longest striker of a cricket ball of them all? In this feature Martin looks at the life and times of Charles Thornton a man who, on the face of matters at least, still has a claim to that title


Rescuing Don Bradman from Splendid Isolation


It is more than seventy years since Don Bradman played his last Test innings, and approaching twenty years since his passing, but the interest in his remarkable batting record shows no sign of diminishing. This week Martin reviews the latest in a very long line of books published on the subject of ‘The Don’


Too Fond of Winning


Somerset’s Henry Stanley was a product of cricket’s ‘Golden Age’, albeit one some way from the front rank of amateur batsmen. Barry Phillips’ book painstakingly reconstructs his life, and tells a very Victorian story