This year sees the one hundredth anniversary of the death of ‘The Great Cricketer’ a man who, in his time, bestrode the game of cricket in the manner of the Colossus of Rhodes
Woe betide anyone who reminded Tony Lock after 1956 that he was the man who “got the other one” when Jim Laker took his 19-90. In this feature Martin tells the story of a sometimes fiery character who contributed to many controversial moments over his long career
We don’t review too many bestsellers on CricketWeb, but felt we ought to add our two penn’orth to the huge number of words written about this one, so Martin took a deep breath ………….
Despite his occasional protestations to the contrary we suspect that Martin actually enjoys his day job, and that therefore with this book James Wilson was, realistically, bowling at an unguarded set of stumps
Possibly one with limited appeal to those who have yet to rack up a half century in years, but for those who have already achieved that level of seniority it seems Barry Nicholls’ autobiography is an entertaining read