Armchair Cricket 2

Armchair Cricket 2

Armchair Cricket is a game written in Java based on the card game of the same name.

For an overview of the rules, see:

The game includes a vast array of countries, with a view for future versions to include tournaments and a ‘Road to the World Cup’ feature.

In the present version, only basic 50 over friendlies are playable, but in future it is hoped to incorporate all forms of cricket. The AI is currently fairly basic, but this will be improved in future versions. Note :2 card shots are yet to be fully implemented.

The in game screen includes full scorecards and a manhattan graph feature. Your cards are displayed in your hand at the bottom of the screen, whilst the played cards are shown above. The current no ball card is shown in the box on the right, along with run rates and runs required etc. Your players currently bowling or batting are shown in the bottom right, while the opponents are on the top right. You will notice several changes to the original card game, with the number of cards in your hand gradually changing depending on the quality of the batsman (removing the need for the tail enders to be restricted to 3 and above etc). In future, I am looking at introducing fatigue to limit the length of spells and weather conditions as well as the possibility of a multiplayer version playable online.

I hope you like this beta version. There is a lot of polishing and new features to come over the coming months, so please give me some feedback in the cricketweb forum. A player editor also is available which you can use to add teams that I haven’t yet got around to making. Future versions will also include more county and international teams.


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